Our success is grounded through our unique way of being. We are building an idea meritocracy in which meaningful work and meaningful relationships are pursued through radical truth and radical transparency. We require people to be extremely open, air disagreements, test each other’s logic, and view discovering mistakes and weaknesses as a good thing that leads to improvement and innovation.

By continually striving together for the highest levels of truth and excellence we create meaningful work and meaningful relationships.

We are both idealistic and practical. We believe creating excellent outcomes requires setting ambitious goals and applying our understanding of how the world works, and by standing tall on our principles, we are committed to success.

Our Principles are methods of how we deal with situations. They are the evolving record of our understanding of what works well. Not simply to be read and followed, but stress-tested on an individual and collective level through our shared approach of working together. R8RISK is an idea-meritocracy in which we value independent thinking, we urge you to read and assess them for yourself and push back where you find necessary.

We are committed to our principles and culture, and look forward to having the pleasure of serving you.